The long-awaited Attack on Titan finale is heading to international screens in early 2025. During the Comic-Con Experience 2024 in Brazil, Crunchyroll and Sony Pictures announced the global release of Attack on Titan: The Last Attack, an omnibus film combining the final two episodes of The Final Season: The Final Chapters. This marks a significant moment for fans outside Japan, where the film initially premiered and earned immense acclaim.
Attack on Titan: The Last Attack Gets Major Update with Worldwide Theatrical Reveal
The movie will roll out across several countries, including the United States, Canada, Australia, Brazil, and various European nations. It also boasts enhanced visual and audio features compared to the original episodes, along with a special post-credit scene to captivate audiences. Fans in Latin America and other regions eagerly await further announcements on release dates for their countries.
Originally adapted from Hajime Isayama’s iconic manga, this cinematic culmination revisits the emotional weight of humanity’s battle against Titans, particularly focusing on Eren Yeager’s ultimate confrontation. The film’s new theatrical release ensures fans can relive the saga on the big screen, complete with the stirring theme song “To You in 2,000… or… 20,000 Years From Now” by Linked Horizon.
As Attack on Titan continues to leave its mark globally, this release cements its place as one of anime’s most profound epics. Fans should keep an eye out for updates as 2025 approaches!